Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hurry Up Spring

Here we go's just been non stop cabinet fixing...really that's about all the pictues are below, some of the amaxing work that chase and his dad have done yet again with stones, and then a few of all the hard work electrically   they done...and do you see that wire lathe going up in logs?! That means it's almost chinkin' time folks! (Well one one tiny section that is) Anyway. A lot of sanding, priming, panting, glazing, and panting...I've been sanding and glazing...and I've gotta say I have one hard working man whose done all the rest. Picking out cabinet pulls took a Century..and that's just the beginning I know. I'm loving how the chicken wire and glaze turned out...I just can't wait to see what else we come up with for this kitchen.

We're beyond ready for the weather to warm up...were D.O.N.E. with carhartts and propane heaters. 

So cabinets...they are so close to being in and I can't wait to see all the pieces of winter fall together. I can't wait...and until next time.