Here's some before & nows of areas in and around the house...someday they'll be afters. Someday...but for now their just for "nows"
this is how the logs have cleaned up, we think the white wash on it is a type of soulution they used to put on logs to keep bugs and fungus off. You can see the hewing marks from when they cut the logs in that right picture above.
That girl right there, she's the best!
My little, well not so little anymore, sister worked all Saturday tearing out wall. Tell me how many 14 year olds you know that would do that and not complain a bit. She's something alright.
Here's another before and after of the outside of the house...where some lifting of walls and floors is in the works...and there are two of the hardest working people I've ever met as well. If you know either Chase or Shaneyne, you wouldn't be surprised why they both turned out to such hard working and loving people..they get it honest. I can't even begin to thank the finks enough for all that they've done for me already since they been in my life.