Friday, May 2, 2014

Oh Shoot

Hello Friday. Came to the house today to discover a beautiful mowed yard again by Doodle and Sharon, and a genius shoot designed by Chaseley coming from the upstairs window into the dumpster! 
It makes demoing the upstairs much quicker. I did break it within an hour of being there.[for all those who have built or remodeled a house with a significant other, I know you've thought to yourself, seeing us to this for the first time, about those moments that other person made you so mad you wanted to pull your hair out, well chase and I had our first time tonight haha. Poor chase, I don't know how he puts up with my moody emotional self at times. Bless his heart.] good news is chase rebuilt it within 20 mintues or so. Once again, bless his heart.
So with the very motivated finks today and this week, we have a beautiful yard, minus the dump truck tracks, but grass grows back, and that dump truck is a blessing!!
I have some updated photos of the way the rooms are...changing, enjoy. 





Doodle also built a supporting rock tier in the celler for us this week. 

With it being the last week of classes, chases birthday :), and Aprils date night on Tuesday, I personally didn't get much done at the new house this week. With a wedding Saturday, it's gonna be a packing/moving day at the house. It's ok, it'll all get done, I know. I know that rationally in my head, but sometimes it doesn't come to mind in the here and now. 

Aprils date night, take out in our attic. Our attic!! 

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