Saturday, October 18, 2014

"How's the house coming?"

If I had a dollar for everytime I've heard "how's the house coming?" I think it be coming along much easier financially haha. Please don't take that statement wrong, I feel quite loved and thankful that we are blessed with so many people who take an interest in our life and this project! I don't mind one bit being asked by anyone! The only reason I poke at the question is my response seems to be lacking these days. I'm not sure what to answer. Usually it's something along the lines of "good" or "its coming" or maybe if someone understands my humor I say "it's a hot mess, but it'll get there". I think it hard to answer because sometimes I'm not sure how it's coming. We've never done anything like this so I don't know if it's coming along well or badly or just how it typically should. I feel confident we're doing all we can, so I believe that means it's coming along good. There's been some slow weekends lately where we didn't get anything done or even get a chance to work, and although that creates anxiety and anxiousness for chase and I, those slow times or times of other commitments hold their importance as much as the work at the house does. It's a busy time of year for me with classes and work, and then as well for chase. Also being hunting season were trying to allow ourselves time to do that as well, because well we like deer meat and quite days in trees. So the house is coming, maybe it's slowly coming right now, but I'm sure anyone whose done something like this previously would agree sometimes it moves fast, sometimes slow...and it's ok either way.

We did finally get back at things this weekend and had some of our favorite visitors as well. My grandparents (who have more experience redoing log homes then anyone else I know) and my aunt Kathy and uncle Joe all stopped in right at break time and we got to visit and show new improvements made. My aunt Kathy is by far the most frequently visitor and helping hand outside of our parents, and it's always so nice to see her excitement of changes that don't look like changes to us as we've done them day by day. My grandma is the best at visualizing and imagining finished projects so it was great to have her by to run ideas and get direction from her. We really are so fortunate to have these supportive families, both Chase and I. They all have done things like this first hand and can offer all the tips and all the horror stories about what to do and not to do. We also had help Sunday from Doodle and our good friend Nate. Nate is a good buddy of Chases from school and I know Chase loved just seeing him and getting to catch up. We've certainly been missing friends more then usually lately, and it was so cool of Nate to take all the time to come see us today. 

This weekend I continued grinding away floors and finally got done (which couldn't have been done soon enough, the smell is the worst part) and chase's been leveling and cutting logs in preparation to chink outside. But when I say prepping, it doesn't mean in the very near future. Doodle worked on the hearth more this Sunday. It's so amazing the way his mind pieces together these big rocks and makes them all look like they were made to be together. Hopefully this winter isn't to bad to us and we can get a lot done. The kitchen is my goal. I want to have it painted, tiled, and the cabinets painted so we can start seeing some end results in there. I know it's big task when seeing the work remaining but I believe it's doable before spring. It's coming along piece by piece, it's all about the small wins and focusing on one task at a time.

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