Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Fruits of our Labor.

We have a floor! Well a sub-floor, in one room, pretty much all but done. So...We almost have a floor! It's close though, and man it feels good. Had lots of fatherly help this weekend, chases dad Doodle, my dad Walt, and my stepdad Charlie all came over this weekend and helped. My little sister Odie came over as well, and moved a million flooring boards with me. I can't believe how fortune we are to have these people, with these tools and skills to help us. Doodle built a section of stone foundation next to the chimney, which fills in a rotten log spot, and looks amazing. Dad, Charile, and Odie help Chase and I put down the sub floor. Which feels pretty awesome to walk across finally! Also I can't begin to say how thankful I am for Sharon, chases mom, she brings us lunch, and cooks us supper almost every single weekend. It easy to over look how much that means, but man it's amazing. It's one of the reasons it's all possible. We love you so much, Sharon, thank you for all that you do! And supper was amazing! 

I found grapes and blackberries growing at this house too this weekend. I can't wait to spend time someday in the future building a trelus for the grapes to grow on right. 

I thought I may add in this post some of the FAQs we keep getting constantly too. 

Q. When you all moving in?!
A. We have absolutely no idea haha, like none, I can tell you it won't be any time soon, it's a big project, it's got a lot of work to be done, and I can promise you there will be a hell of a celebration when we do move in!! Haha I remember when I thought I'd have all the wallpaper down the first weekend, or when we said let's start looking at paint colors and tile. Ironic how we thought those would be the first steps, and now most won't ever even happen. 

Q.Are you exposing the logs inside and out? 
A. Yup! And that means lots of work, and it means lots of money, and we knew that getting into it. I know it's gonna cost twice what I'm imagining already, but we bought a log home. Might as well love it and live in it the right way! 

Q. Are you all doing the work on it?
A. Obviously! Haha we're broke and we gotta...haha but really we wanted too, and knew from the beginning we were blessed with people who would help, not because we expect them too, because there amazing people. 

Q. When was the house built?
A. 1859. And I've got the horse hair chinking to prove it. 

At the moment I can't think of any others, like always, I have writters block. Needless to say it's getting done, one week at a time. Here's your pictures :). 

Look at the big open beautiful crawl space now! No snakes, no bones, nothing scary at all! 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lots Of Rocks

So as we work, in my head I sometimes start thinking about what to write in a post about the work we've gotten done. I always have great quotes, or ideams, or a quirky merephore, and I think I'll use that in my blog post about this weekend, but it never fails, those always leave me when I go to actually write. This weekend was no different. Point blank; we worked and got things done. Chase and doodle have been working diligently on the main floor, replacing beams, leveling and readjusting of the floor josits. Doodle and I shoveled 4 tons of gravel, some onto that famous crawl space, and some just in the driveway till needed. Needless to say, I became good at shoveling left handed half way through that job. The floor is starting to come together for sure! It felt good Sunday night to feel accomplished again after having a long stent of not getting anything, well on my part. Chase hasn't stopped, and I'll tell you what I'm constantly just in awe of this mans motivation. I'm constantly reminding myself how thankful I am for him. This month doesn't have many plans, other then work at the house, which I'm thankful for. Nothing gets done if we don't do it. It's defiantly consuming most of our social, free, and play time, but we knew that happen, and no turning back now anyways :). I know in the end it'll be worth the work, and worth the scacrfices.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Month of Sundays

It's been awhile since I've posted any progress, and sadly that's because there hadn't been much progress. Summer has officially started. Which means weddings and events and busyness galore. Memorial Day weekend we finally got moved out of our rental house. The next weekend we had a wedding, which chase was in and I did photography for. Then this weekend was another wedding I shot, a funeral, and the arrival of the cutest nephew in the world, and Shaneyne. So overall not much has been done lately other then mowing at least once a week, but all have been events worth it of course. Life gets in the way of work sometimes, but can't allow work to get in the way of life. Anyways we been pretty much done with demo now, so it's on to the floors and correcting some leveling issues there. This weekend chase, doodle, and I worked on getting up the floors, carefully knocking out nails and exposing the floor beams underneath. One of the main beams is in need of repair, which is why we're doing all this. I'm not gonna lie, this was more annoying and tiring then demo it felt like, and I have a new found respect for carpenters and hammers. My hands are done! Also the fact we have now exposed the crawl space, which we spent a weekend in. In the dark. Tight and wondering when the snakes were gonna pop out. That crawl space area is now open fully and could of been dug out perfectly with out needing to be scared to death the whole time. Yeah that's annoying, if I'm putting it lightly. Oh well, it built character right? Anyways today we at least, or I at least got some work in and feel better about it. Next weekend won't be as productive for me, but oh well, nothing to do about it but enjoy the fun times, and thank The Lord I have chase. I've never seen a man more determined and motivated. He defiantly inspires me most days to keep going longer (and puts up with me when I'm tired and whining). Here's some photos of the progress and such, and the most handsome visitor we've had so far.  
Life is good.