Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hitting Rock Bottom

Just kidding...not really. See what I did there? Really we haven't hit rock bottom personally, just literally, we're at the rock foundation..the bottom level of this project. It's been a little while since I've given much of an update, but things haven't been changing much, well not in the way you see in pictures. Finally though after a few soild weekends and weeknights of work, things are coming together. Doodle and Chase have spent a lot of time putting together a supporting wall in the basement, with help from me (but I'm not quite the bricklayer), mostly I spent forever getting nails out of the hardwood floors we pulled up from that room. Let me tell ya, I have a whole new respect for people who swing a hammer all day. So let's see...one walls up, concrete poured, and we've plastered one wall..now we're working on cleaning up another to replaster and building another supporting wall in the celler. This weekend chase and I tore down the drywall in the kitchen and half bath to expose the log wall in those two rooms. We also started tearing up the linoleum floor in the kitchen..and with the little progress we got done in a few hours, I can say without a doubt, I'm gonna hate this job. That being said, this kitchen is one project I'm overly excited about. It'll be one of the last things we actually finish, but being the room we spend the most time in personally as a couple it's gonna be so exciting making it our own. Anyways for now we're still working from the ground up. Hopefully will be putting back down floors soon. I would also say it's safe to say we have a new kitty named lucky who will be living outside the house from now on, she's become quite friendly now and not afraid to rub all over ya. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Can't wait to see the final product and glad to see everyone is doing well!
